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To All of You, Ignorants

Imagine a morning in late November. The sunlight came into the room. Feeling the warmth on her back, the little girl got up. Her legs were trembling but still, she dressed up and prepared her breakfast. The little girl could hardly breathe with the fear running through her veins. Already feeling sick, she decided not to eat right away for she was afraid to throw it up. The food was in her backpack when she took the first step outside, hoping for a good day. Although it was oddly warm that day, the girl still felt cold inside. That cold feeling had not been gone for the last year.


I guess the girl's name does not matter. All we need to know is that she was in pain. Every day she got up scared to her bones - it was now a part of her - and every night she laid down crying in silence for help. It is obvious the reason why she could not tell anyone what was going on. She was just a child and so were the ones that hurt her. People would think the girl was overreacting. Every day was a day to hope and to lose hope. That specific day in late November, however, was different. Her soul finally chose the only way.


The little girl got to school. She listened to the teacher and attended all classes. She was also ridiculed and beaten again and again. After that, she cried as she used to and she walked to the train station as she did not use to. She smiled and felt the sun one last time. The sun was, finally, setting down.


"Waste of flesh", some said.


You should have seen her. You should have seen how little she cared about her body and how much she wanted the pain to go away. You should have watched her jump. Yes, she jumped. The train washed her soul away and crushed her little body too. Her breakfast was all over the line. The blood mixed with the jelly of her sandwich just like it happens in Van Gogh's wonderful paintings. Nonetheless, she was smiling. Red lips turned to grey and her life went away.


Soon, everyone would forget her.


Again, I guess her name does not matter. She was just one more child in pain. Then she died, but it was fine. Really, it is okay. She is happy now.


Lara Filipa xX

© 2016 - by Lara Filipa Seixas. Atenção: Estes conteúdos possuem direitos de autor.

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